Tim Tebow Opts Out of Jets Wildcat Packages

New York Jets backup quarterback Tim Tebow opted out of all Wildcat packages Sunday in a 27-17 loss to the San Diego Chargers, according to ESPNNewYork.com.

Tebow reportedly became irritated when he was passed over for third string backup quarterback Greg McElroy to start Sunday’s game that he told coaches earlier in the week that he did not want to be used in any Wildcat packages.

Tebow was active for the game, but the Jets turned to wide receiver Jeremy Kerley to run the Wildcat packages that were designed for Tebow. Kerley also played quarterback in high school. Rex Ryan said he wanted to use Kerley as an element of surprise.

“I also wanted to give Kerley a shot at running some Wildcat things,” Ryan said during his news conference. “We knew they wouldn’t expect him to throw the ball, and that was the case.”

The frustration meter for Tebow has risen throughout the Jets season due to his limited playing time, but reached the peaking point when he learned that was passed over for the starting opportunity when Ryan benched Mark Sanchez Tuesday.

“It’s been disappointing, obviously (the season) didn’t go as we thought, as I had hoped,” Tebow said after the game. “But sometimes in life you have that. Sometimes you have setbacks and you have to look at them as an opportunity to step back up and keep working and figure out what to do.”

Tebow chose not to keep working and figuring things out, which allowed Kerley to receive the practice reps in the Wildcat packages. Tebow’s decision to not participate in the packages led to immediate speculation that he was looking to play elsewhere next season.

Chris Mortensen, ESPN senior NFL analyst, reported that Tebow will more than likely ask for his release and play for the Jacksonville Jaguars next season. The Jaguars pursued Tebow last season after the Denver Broncos signed Peyton Manning, but were unsuccessful. Tebow is from the Jacksonville area and his family lives there as well.

Tebow deflected the question if he was looking for a new start elsewhere when asked by reporters after the game.

“We’ve just got to find a way to beat the Buffalo Bills next Sunday,” he said.

Despite the Jets choosing to go with McElroy over Tebow, Tebow believes that there is a team for him and that he can play in the league for quite sometime.

“I believe in my God-given ability to play this game of football and I think I can play it for a long time,” Tebow said, “and I look forward to playing it some more.”

The Jets will face the Bills next week in their final game of the year, but it is yet to be seen if Tebow will receive any reps in the Jets offense next week.

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