Why the iPad Mini is an Upgrade From the iPad 2

My decision to upgrade to the iPad Mini was pretty much made for me when I lost my iPad 2 in a mugging.

I went with a 64 GB WiFi model, and it’s been a more than capable replacement for my old purloined tablet.

I find that I spend approximately two-thirds of my total iPad time inside of Stanza, my favorite e-reader app.Where I would only occasionally be reading a book on my iPad 2 while on the subway, it’s now my primary use for the device while commuting. It feels perfectly natural, given the iPad Mini is already roughly book-sized.

With the same resolution in a smaller space, denser pixels make for richer images and video, so I’ve loved watching Netflix and Hulu+ on it despite the smaller display. It can also pump full-quality video to my HDTV, which makes it a cinch to give up cable. (I quite literally got a phone call from my cable provider after typing that sentence. They must have eyes everywhere.)

I’d have to say that I’m using the Mini more often than I was using my iPad 2. I’m checking email and browsing the web in bed, which I used to be pretty good at avoiding. I’m playing games on the couch as I procrastinate before work in the morning. And, of course, Netflix–at the kitchen table, in Starbucks, in the park while tethered to my iPhone–always Netflix…

Read More:  businessinsider.com

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