Jovan Belcher With Another Woman Before Killing Girlfriend?

Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher spent the night with another woman before going home, killing his girlfriend and then ending his own life in a team practice facility parking lot, The New York Post reported.

The latest accounting refutes earlier reports that said Belcher flew into a rage after Kasandra Perkins returned late from a Trey Songz concert at about 1 a.m.

According to Glass and her neighbors, Belcher wasn’t even home then.

The 25-year-old linebacker enjoyed dinner and drinks Friday night at a local tavern with Brittni Glass before taking her home and spending the next several hours asleep in his Bentley outside her building, neighbors said.

After cops roused him from his drunken slumber at about 2:30 a.m., Belcher went inside Glass’ building and re-emerged about four hours later.

“I was with him that night, that’s it,” a reluctant Glass told reporters yesterday, the paper reported.

Belcher drove away at about 6:45 a.m., making the 10-minute ride to the home he shared with Perkins, the mother of his 3-month-old daughter.

Authorities say that Belcher quarreled with Perkins and shot her nine times as his own mom watched in horror. Perkins’ body was found on a bathroom floor.

Belcher then drove to the Chiefs’ practice facility at 8 a.m. and shot himself in the head with a different gun in front of the team’s coach and general manager.

Glass said she told police they had been together that night.

Several people came forward to tell Kansas City police about Belcher’s visit.

“His Bentley was parked outside,” a neighbor said. “He went upstairs. He was drunk. He went up to see the girl.’’

Residents said they had seen Belcher and his distinctive black Bentley at the building several times in recent months.

Glass said she and Belcher were not in a relationship, but declined to say exactly where he slept.

Meanwhile, a new report said Belcher had been violent in a past relationship.

In 2006, while starring at the University of Maine, he punched his fist through a window because he was “upset with a girl,’’ said a police report obtained by USA Today.

Less than a year later, campus cops responded to a complaint of disorderly conduct at a dorm after someone “became concerned about the raised voices” of Belcher and a girlfriend outside his room, the paper said.

Yesterday, Perkins’ family broke its silence for the first time since the tragedy.

“Our wish is for Kasi to be remembered for the love she shared with us all. Kasi will be truly missed,” they said in a statement.

Sports Illustrated said Belcher specifically asked to speak to his coaches before ending his life.

“I came here to tell you thank you,” Belcher told GM Scott Pioli. “Thank you for my chance. I love you, bro.”

He then shot himself.

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