Will You Watch The Upcoming Martin Luther King Assassination Film?

Hollywood is currently producing a film about the last days of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s life titled, Memphis. The film, which will primarily focus on King’s assassination, has been on the shelf for a while because of financial issues and family disapproval. Now, the powers that be have put Memphis back into rotation.

According to DLH:

The script depicts Dr. King’s final days as he struggled to organize a protest march on behalf of striking black municipal sanitation workers in Memphis, Tennessee, where he was slain. That storyline is juxtaposed with an intense manhunt for King’s assassin James Earl Ray, involving some of the federal authorities who, at Hoover’s direction, had dogged King’s every step with wiretaps and whispering campaigns before the civil rights leader’s death.

King family and close friend, Ambassador Andrew Young, objects the idea of this project. Report say that, the King’s don’t agree with the way he will be portrayed in the film. The King’s heirs also have their own film in the works and feel there is a conflict in interest to support this assassination flick. With that being said, would you support the film, even though King’s relatives don’t approve of it?

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