A new trailer for Walter Salles‘ adaptation On the Road has surfaced online, this time attempting to highlight the two main characters of Sal and Dean.
On the Road, of course, stars Garrett Hedlund, Sam Riley and Kristen Stewart as the perpetually fascinating trio of Dean Moriarty, Sal Paradise and Marylou, respectively. It’ll follow the same plot as the novel it is based off of, revolving around young writer Sal Paradise as his life is shaken by the arrival of free-spirited Dean Moriarty and his girl, Marylou. As the travel across the country, they encounter a mix of people who each impact their journey indelibly.
On the Road is based off of the Jack Kerouac novel by the same name. It’s seen as sacred ground by the literary community, along with nearly all other beat-culture literature. Other authors involved in the famous era are also being represented. Viggo Mortensen plays Old Bull Lee who is based on William S. Burroughs, whereas Tom Sturridge plays Carlo Marx who is based on Allen Ginsberg.
The new trailer seems to highlight their interactions with Sal, who is based on Kerouac himself. A Tom Waits-esque (or is it really Tom Waits?) voiceover also seems to fit the action on-screen, which mirrors Kerouac’s jazzy descriptions and dialogue. Whether or not that’s included in the final version of the film, it certainly helps in providing an overall ambience. A series of parties and odes to life flashes on screen as well in brilliant fashion. You can almost smell the cigarette smoke and taste the wine.
Unfortunately, it’s quite difficult to support the casting choice of Kristen Stewart as Marylou. The young actress is getting plenty of work, but it’s hard to find evidence as to why. But it goes without saying that Stewart is at the top of everyone’s list to play a drugged up female that doesn’t say much. One can only hope they keep her screen time to a minimum.
All in all, the trailer has provided us with a much needed excitement. On the Road has always been considered as a story that cannot be filmed, a taboo that being broken more often than usual. The film has already released in Europe to mixed reviews. It’ll make it’s mark stateside come December 21st. Here’s to hoping On the Road is at least a “good try”. Enjoy the trailer below.