Dump Trump Petition Picks Up Over 400,000 Signatures

Donald Trump’s behavior recently has sparked the Dump Trump petition which is begging Macy’s to stop doing business with the Obama birthplace skeptic.

After President Obama was re-elected, Donald Trump called for a revolution against the President. Before then, he was busy questioning whether or not America’s 44th president was born in the United States. He even went so far as to offer $5 million to any charity of Obama’s choice if he forked over his passport application and college transcripts.

Well, it seems like over 400,000 people have had enough of the nonsense and are now asking Macy’s to “Dump Trump” for good.

An online petition on SignOn.org, titled Dump Trump has earned a whopping 400,000 unique signatures so far and the numbers are still on the rise.

According to the Dump Trump petition, Macy’s shoppers would like for the company to “sever ties” with the “sexist” and “racist” businessman.

“Donald Trump does not reflect the ‘magic of Macys,’” the petition pointed out as they referenced the many Macy’s commercials that the real estate tycoon often stars in.

One of the newest commercials that features The Apprentice host has fans disappointed at how Macy’s appeared to be making light of Trumps’s skepticism.

In the commercial, the Trump tugs on Santa’s beard to make sure that it is him before uttering, “What’s with the get-up, Kris?”

Even singer and actress Cher has expressed great disappointment with Macy’s.

“I’LL NEVER GO TO MACY’S AGAIN,” she tweeted. “I didn’t know they sold Donald Trump’s Line!”

Despite the thousands of names on the petition, neither Trump nor his spokesman seem concerned about Macy’s deciding to stop doing business with the 66-year-old entrepreneur.

“Mr. Trump is important to Macy’s, both as a brand and as an endorser” said Michael Cohen, Donald’s spokesperson. “His ties, shirts, cufflinks, fragrances, and other merchandise are top-selling items across the country – in particular Mr. Trump’s ties are the number one selling ties at Macy’s.”

Cohen even went on to question whether or not all the names on the online petition were even real, but the director of SignOn.org was able to assure that they are indeed all unique signatures with no duplicates.

“SignOn.org can absolutely verify that the petition has been signed by over 400,000 unique and active email address signatures,” SignOn.org director Steven Biel explained. “Our system automatically [deletes] any names of people who attempt to sign more than once.”

The Obama skeptic even took to Twitter, to promote his ties but failed to even acknowledge the petition.

“Just saw my new line of shirts, ties, & suits @Macys – they are fantastic,” he tweeted. “Would make great holiday presents!”

It seems like Donald has every right now to be afraid, however, considering the fact that Macy’s has been hit with several petitions in the past, but none of them had any control in determining the company’s next move.



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