Days after the country was split along the lines of red and blue due to the presidential election, Americans will gather to celebrate the country’s military servicemen and women on Veterans Day. The holiday falls on November 11th, coinciding with the anniversary of the Treaty of Versailles that ended World WarI. Monday will be the federal day of observance, but services in honor of U.S.veterans will be held throughout the weekend.
Even Ted Nugents, whose inflammatory comments accused those who voted for President Barack Obama of being “pimps, whores and welfare brats,” took time to bow to servicemen past and present via Twitter.
“In war there are no unwounded warriors God bless our US military heroes in uniform and our veterans,” he posted on the social media network. Nugent can apparently look past the majority of “soulless fools” that comprise the American people in order to honor the men and women who protect them.
Sites such as Washington’s Vietnam Veterans Memorial have attracted hundreds of visitors during the weekend, as the names of the 58,000 servicemen listed on the wall were read aloud. Originally known as Armistice Day when President Woodrow Wilson declared the date a national holiday, Veterans Day has been celebrated for 93 years.