Shaun White Gets Deal in Vandalism and Drunkenness Charges

Shaun White, a two-time Olympic gold medalist in snowboarding, reached a deal with prosecutors on Wednesday in relation to public intoxication and vandalism charges  from an incident at a Nashville hotel in September.

Nashville distract attorney’s spokeswoman Susan Niland said prosecutors would agree to dismiss the charges as long as White performed 24 hours of community service, paid restitution to the hotel and completed alcohol treatment classes.

White appeared in court on Tuesday, and the judge signed off on an agreement Wednesday that did not include attending alcohol treatment in the provision.

Niland and White’s attorney talked after learning of the discrepancy and will return to court on Nov. 8 to amend the condition to include alcohol treatment.

White has already shown proof that he has already completed the treatment, according to Niland.

The public intoxication charge will remain open until White completes his 24 hours of community service. The snowboarder had the option of that or 42 days in jail. He is scheduled to be in court on Jan. 25 to show he has completed his community service.

The vandalism charge was the only one to be dismissed Wednesday because he had paid restitution to the Nashville hotel where he destroyed a telephone.  The amount of the restitution was not disclosed in court documents, but the vandalism charge cost him $500.

According to police, White pulled a fire alarm in a Nashville hotel around 2 a.m. on Sept. 16. All guests were forced to evacuate and White attempted to flee, but was hit in the head while fighting with another guest who had called the police on him. He was later treated a Nashville hospital.

White later issue an apology through his Facebook page, saying he was sorry for using “poor behavior.”

White won a gold medal in Turin at the 2006 Olympics and in 2010 at the Vancouver Games, and has multimillionaire clothing line and signature video game.

White has the opportunity to have his record expunged upon completion of his agreement.

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