NBC’s Sandy Telethon Raises in $23 Million

NBC’s telethon “Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together” raised a reported $23 million on Friday night, with the help of celebrities like Bruce Springsteen, Christina Aguilera and Tina Fey. On Saturday, the American Red Cross announced the figures in a joint statement with NBCUniversal.

“We are incredibly grateful and humbled by this outpouring of support for those who are suffering as a result of Superstorm Sandy,” American Red Cross Chief Marketing Officer Peggy Dyer said. “Our preliminary results of nearly $23 million raised are an extraordinary example of how the American people pull together in times of disaster.”

Running for just a single commercial free hour, the program managed to fit in appearances by Springsteen, Mary J. Blige, Jon Stewart, Whoopi Goldberg and more. Matt Lauer hosted the affair, reminding the audience that “we haven’t seen a storm like this in 100 years.”

“My prayers go out to everyone who was affected by the hurricane,” Mary J. Blige told viewers. “Things are gonna get better, so please hang in there, be strong and have faith. And please, everybody watching tonight give something, anything. Every penny counts.” She went on to perform her song“ The Living Proof.”

The telethon aired on all of NBCU’s networks, including NBC, Bravo, MSNBC, E! & Syfy.

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