A Plant-Based Diet Can Help Reduce the Risks of Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Dr. Susan Steck from the Arnold School of Public Health has established through her studies that including fruits, vegetables, tea and herbs in your diet will reduce the risk of aggressive prostate cancer.

The findings were presented at the International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research.

According to the study conducted by Dr. Steck at the University of Carolina, natural and fresh foods are rich in a group of anti-oxidants called flavanoids.

Preclinical research has proven the efficacy of flavanoids and this study examines the effect of these compounds on the human body.

Dr. Steck and her team of researchers collected data and used the following methodology for the study:

For the research, Steck and her team gathered data from 1897 men, of which 977 were whites and 920 African-Americans.

The participants belonged to the North Carolina-Louisiana Prostate Cancer Project, and had been diagnosed with prostate cancer recently.

The participants were required to fill in a questionnaire that examined their dietary history. These questions assessed flavanoid intake of the respondent based on the dietary guidelines issued by the Federal Health Department, USA.

Findings of the study:

After collection of the information, the data was subjected to analysis and revealed the following:

Those men who had scored high on flavanoids in their diet were 25% less prone to aggressive prostate cancer as compared to those who scored least. This result was equally applicable across the races. No particular class of flavanoid was more effective than the others. Hence it is recommended that a wide variety of vegetarian food be included in your diet…

Read more: Alt Medicine Zone


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