Bryan Singer Set to Direct 'X-Men' … Again

A new article from Total Film has confirmed that Bryan Singer will be at the helm of the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past, replacing Matthew Vaughn who has recently stepped down.

Bryan Singer is also the director behind 2000’s X-Men as well as 2003’s X2 starring Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman and Ian McKellen. While Matthew Vaughn sat in the director’s chair for X-Men: First Class, Singer did have a hand in producing the successful film last year. This will mark an extremely rare occasion (perhaps the first) where a director will films from both an original series and the alleged “reboot”.

So far, no real reason has been provided as to why Matthew Vaughn decided to step down. The director received nothing but praise for last year’s First Class and had general audiences and fanboys alike begging for more. The move, in some ways, mirrors Vaughn’s reluctance to direct Kick-Ass 2 after the original’s wild success. Perhaps the obvious talent just has a grudge against sequels.

In any case, the majority of First Class‘s cast are – so far – all set to return for filming. As Patrick Stewart mistakenly gave away, that cast may include some other familiar faces that you weren’t quite expecting. With Bryan Singer’s much more involved role, Stewart’s spoiler seems all the more likely (and a bit more expensive, eh?).

Still, there’s plenty of time until the film’s release in 2014. While we’re waiting for Days of Future Past, be sure to check out Bryan Singer’s first feature film since 2008’s Valkyrie, the much anticipated Jack the Giant Slayer. We’ll be sure to fill you in on any details that surface until then as we’re sure there’s going to be plenty.

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