Should Jets Stick With Mark Sanchez Over Tim Tebow?

Changes might be coming for the New York Jets.

Mark Sanchez losing his starting job won’t be among them.

Rex Ryan again stood by his quarterback Monday despite Sanchez’s struggles in an ugly mistake-filled 30-9 loss to the Miami Dolphins on Sunday that left the Jets coach searching for answers and fans chanting for Tim Tebow to take over.

“I think Mark’s our guy,” Ryan said. “I don’t think there’s any doubt about that. I’m confident in Mark.”

There’s no question, though, that the Jets (3-5) need to figure things out, and quick. They have games at Seattle and St. Louis after their bye-week break, followed by a home game on Thanksgiving night against New England.

Ryan originally planned to have the players report to the facility on Monday and Tuesday, but decided to give them the full week off to be with their families and prepare for Hurricane Sandy.

“I want them to get away and when they come back, we have to be all in,” Ryan said during a conference call. “The only chance we have is if we are 100 percent all in. We have no wiggle room. We need to start playing a ton better.”

Ryan will brainstorm with his coaches this week before they take a few days off, and he expects suggestions on how to fix “everything” from everyone on his staff.

“Is it a little change? Is it a radical change?” Ryan said. “I’m up for anything.”

While Tebow won’t be the solution as the full-time quarterback, Ryan acknowledged that he’ll explore how the versatile backup can be used more on offense after seeing minimal playing time during the season’s first half. Tebow has played in just 54 offensive plays, averaging less than seven per game.

“I think we’ll take a hard look at how we’re using him, what we’re asking him to do,” Ryan said. “Are there other things we can do with him? I think you’re absolutely right. We will definitely look at that.”


Read more:  WSJ

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