Social media platforms are becoming a hotseat for entertainers with ANYTHING to say about the 2012 Presidential Campaign. Most recently, actress Tamera Mowry-Housley got “twacked”—attacked on Twitter–for retweeting a message that had nothing to do with her political stance.
On Thursday, while watching the debate between Vice President Joe Biden and Representative Paul Ryan, Housley of “Sister, Sister” and “Tia & Tamera” fame, retweeted a comment by Fox News Channel anchor Greta Van Susteren regarding the contentiousness of the debate. Van Susteren’s tweet read, “I think I might turn this off if it were not my job to watch it…the interruptions make it impossible to learn anything.” Mowry-Housley added to the comment, “That’s all I’ma say about the debate. 😉 God bless us, everyone.”
Seconds later, it was on. The battle went something like this:
Tweeter: “sister sister are republicans? lmfao”
Tweeter: “…you surprised? Tamera is married to a white fox news reporter. lmao. -tries to act surprised-”
Tweeter: -___- he not even hott enough to be crossing over to the dark side for doe.”
Tweeter: “Soooo Tamera is married to a white man… You light skinned hoes boy… He’s a funny lookin white boy too..”
Housley: “All I said was I hate ppl interrupting people. And I got a ton of tweets assuming who I was voting 4 and racist remarks becuz of my husband— Tamera Mowry-Housley (@TameraMowryTwo)”
More reasonable Tweeter: “I can’t believe people are harassing @TameraMowryTwo because she made a harmless comment and is married to a white man.”
Enter Mowry-Housley’s valiant husband, Fox News Channel correspondent Adam Housley: “Seriously?! You attack my wife @TameraMowryTwo because she said people were talking over each other. Then assume who she’s voting for,” followed by, “Then make racist/rude comments 2 @tameramowrytwo because she married a white man who works for Fox?! You should be ashamed of yourselves.”
Clearly, Mrs. Housley isn’t espousing any specific political views, but apparently a lot gets lost or made up in “textation”–the act of translating an electronic message to fit one’s subjective interpretation.