Jets Have No Interest In Terrell Owens

Terrell Owens can continue to get his popcorn ready from his house because according to sources the New York Jets have no interest in signing the free agent wide receiver.

During the fourth quarter of Monday night’s Jets and Houston Texans game, Owens tweeted, “Hey JETS!!! I’m available! I’m ready, willing & able! Call my agent @jordanwoy & let’s make it happen.”

This tweet came after losing Clyde Gates to a shoulder injury and newly signed wide receiver Jason Hill dropped a big pass in the Jets’ 23-17 loss to the Texans.  Hill was signed after the Jets loss wideout Santonio Holmes for the season due to a torn ACL in his left knee.

During a Tuesday morning conference call with reporters, Jets coach Rex Ryan did not reject of the idea of signing Owens, saying, “You never say never or anything. We’ll look at all options, like we always do.”

Ryan’s statement to reporters compares in contrast to what Jets general manager Mike Tannenbaum told the Star Ledger last week.  Tannenbaum stated he was looking for a player who was “speedy, younger than 30 and someone who took part in training camp,” to fill the role of Holmes’.

The key phrase in Tannenbaum’s statement “younger than 30”, meant he was not looking in the direction of Owens, who is 38.

Owens, a 14 year veteran, has been in a free-fall since being cut by Dallas Cowboys after 2008.  Owens last played in the NFL for the Bengals during the 2010-11 season and caught 72 receptions for a total of 983 yards.  This summer he tried out for the Seattle Seahawks, but was eventually cut.

Owens has been in the media spot as of late for back child support.  He has four children that range between the ages of 5-12.  In July, he avoided jail time by paying $20,000 to the mother of his 7-year-old daughter.

The six-time Pro Bowler receiver will continue to wait for that much needed phone call from a team, but it surely will not be from the Jets.

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