Delicious Foods That Help Fight Fat

Get excited: You can burn calories and combat fat by eating yummy food. “If you choose the right picks, studies show you can torch up to 300 extra calories a day,” says Dr. Pamela Peeke, author of The Hunger Fix.

Whole, unrefined foods are your heroes. Your metabolism has to work harder to break them down than processed ones, so you’re zapping more calories—and storing less as fat. These recipes double up (even triple up) on foods with serious metabolism-boosting power. Take that, dastardly fat!

1. Salmon
What a catch! Research suggests the omega-3s in salmon and other fatty fish help build muscle—and the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. Omega-3s may also help reduce fat storage by lowering cortisol levels (scientists have yet to confirm how).

Go for: Two 3-oz servings of fatty fish per week

2. Yogurt

Calcium-rich foods have slimming superpowers. Get too little of this mineral and your body’s more likely to pack away calories as fat, according to a review of studies.

With up to 50 percent more calcium per ounce than milk, yogurt is a potent source. Better yet, its probiotics may help keep belly fat under control.

Go for: At least two servings a day.

3. Avocado
For a speedy metabolism, you need to keep inflammation in check and blood vessels clear and supple. Avocado’s unique combo of essential fatty acids, monounsaturated fats, and antioxidants helps you do just that. Plus, one avocado’s 14 grams of fiber kicks up your calorie burn.

Go for: One to two daily servings of foods high in healthy fats.

4. Beans
High in resistant starch and fiber, beans force your system to use extra energy (as in calories) to break them down…

Read more: Fox News

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