Patrick Stewart to Return in New 'X-Men'

What do you do when you have five films, all supposedly happening in the same universe but lacking in terms of continuity and connecting logic? Apparently, according to a recent article by, you throw in the element of time travel and bring back your best stars.

That’s right folks, Patrick Stewart and others are set to return – in all likelihood very briefly – to the new upcoming X-Men film, X-Men: Days of Future Past. Director Matthew Vaughn seems to be taking his cues straight from Marvel writers with this one in attempting to bridge the gaps between 2011’s successful X-Men: First Class and the core trilogy that met less than stellar critical and fan reviews in the 2000’s.

Patrick Stewart dropped the bomb on this one during this year’s Montreal Comic-Con, where he helped close out the event with a Q&A session. When asked if he would be returning as Professor X in the upcoming films, the iconic actor replied with a smile and said “I think there is every possibility,” and later “Yes, I’ll be reprising..” before his son Daniel was forced to cut him off.

Unfortunately, this leaves us with more questions than answers.  Other than the obvious “Wait..what?”, we’re forced to ask about other stars. Does this mean Ian McKellan will be making an appearance as Magneto? What about Femke Jansson as Jean Grey? Halle Berry as Storm? What about Hugh Jackman’s seemingly stand alone series with Wolverine?

In terms of logic, Marvel has been throwing curveballs like this for the past 50 plus years in the comic book business. It’s not at all uncommon to utilize a storytelling technique like time travel to blend together disagreeing and oftentimes negating circumstances. But does that make it acceptable?

We have at least until July 2013 when The Wolverine hits theaters, and another year after when X-Men: Days of Future Past hits theatres in July 2014, to sit and mull over the new details. Let us know what you think!

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