New Photos Of RZA's 'The Man With The Iron Fists' Surfaces

Some new photos surfaced online featuring RZA’s latest project, The Man with the Iron Fists. Eli Roth(Hostel), who co-authored the screenplay along with RZA, recently confirmed that the film is going to be more then just your average kung fu flick.

“We wanted to make a movie that showed our love for those old kung-fu movies, but we also wanted to make it modern, with hip-hop,” Roth told the LA Times. “So, you know, a guy has magic blades, that kind of thing.”  Roth also assured that the film is not only spectacle, but mentioned that it has an equally entertaining script, claiming that Tarantino would not have put his stamp on it if the script wasn’t’ up to a certain level.

RZA stars as The Man with the Iron Fists. Based in China, the film follows a weapons making blacksmith of a small village that is thrust into a position where he must defend himself and his fellow villagers

Aside from writing and directing the movie, RZA was able to get Russell Crowe, Lucy Liu and Pam Grier to co-star.

The Man With The Iron Fists opens November 2, but in the meantime scope out these new photo and watch the latest trailer here if you haven’t done so already.

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