Redskins Josh Morgan Received Twitter Death Threats

Talk about people needing to get a life. . . The Washington Redskins Josh Morgan, who was penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct late in the ‘Skins’ loss at St. Louis on Sunday, said he received threatening messages, including death threats.

Yes, Morgan made a boneheaded play when he lost his composure and threw the ball at the Rams’ Cortland Finnegan after making a 7-yard catch. The play set the Redskins up for a potential game-tying 47-yard field goal in the final seconds of the fourth quarter.

His penalty forced Washington to have to settle for a 62-yard field goal attempt that was missed. The reaction by some over-the-top fans is the downside of the social media age.

Morgan said Wednesday he was taken aback by the nastiness he’s heard from fans since his unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.

“I heard everything, especially when they get you on Twitter and are sending you death threats and wishing you bad things and your firstborn,” Morgan said. “You see it all, you hear it all. You never let it get to you, especially with me being from D.C. They treated me kind of like they did (San Francisco 49ers return man) Kyle Williams last year when he dropped a punt against the Giants.”

Morgan said the threats are keeping him focused. He said he wasn’t tempted to discontinue his Twitter account.

“The only thing I take seriously is football and my family, and nothing really scares me,” he said.

Morgan said he’s been fined over the penalty but doesn’t yet know the amount. He also said he wouldn’t be throwing such a tantrum again. After all, raising the ire of fans is one thing, but getting a cold stare from the coaching staff is something else.

“Especially with coach Mike Shanahan,” he said, “none of us are dumb enough to make the same mistake twice.”

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