Jay-Z, Beyonce Host NYC Fundraiser For President Obama

The celebrity-in-chief was back in the Big Apple on Tuesday evening, this time hobnobbing with music industry power couple Jay-Z and his wife Beyonce Knowles.

Or simply “J and B”, to President Barack Obama.

The two world-renowned entertainers were the hosts of an exclusive fundraiser at New York City’s trendy 40/40 Club.

President Obama opened his remarks on a light note, thanking his hosts while also pointing out that hip-hop mogul Jay-Z “now knows what my life is like.”

“We both have daughters, and our wives are more popular than we are – so we’ve got a little bond there.

“It’s hard, but it’s okay.”

Obama also had nice things to say about Beyonce, saying she “could not be a better role model for my girls.”

The relaxed president also joked that his family – First Lady Michelle Obama and daughters Sasha and Malia were mad at him “because they aren’t here.”

Beyonce, a platinum-selling singer, serenaded the president and First Lady at a ball following his inauguration on Jan. 20, 2009.

The event drew roughly 100 donors in suits and dresses, all of whom ponied up $40,000 apiece to sit on sofas in a large, dark glassy room. Small tables of wine, champagne and finger food, including sliders, were in front of them.

Beyonce, wearing a red cocktail dress, and Jay-Z, in a suit, introduced the president.

“I can’t tell you how proud we are to host tonight’s event with President Obama,” she said. “We believe in his vision.”

Obama was quick to thank the power couple when he took the stage.

“To J and B, thank you so much for your friendship,” he said.

Tuesday’s soiree was the latest in a string of fundraisers with east- and west-coast celebrities, including George Clooney, Sarah Jessica Parker and Anna Wintour.

Obama was more subdued than he has been at recent public events, speaking seriously about the choice voters face this fall as they decide whether to give him a second term or elect Republican Mitt Romney. It is a choice, he said, that will determine the long-term direction of the country.

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