Quick-Thinking 3 Year-Old Saves His Aunt’s Life – Video

A 3-year-old boy’s poise and quick thinking may have saved the life of a loved one in Wilmington.

Total strangers exchanged hugs and kisses of joy Friday night after the heroics of 3-year-old Tyrone Copeland who may have saved his aunt’s life.

“Her got hurt and they took her to the hospital,” Tyrone said.

“I am very happy and very appreciative of what he did,” said Deneene Copeland.

Tyrone and his Aunt were at a playground in Speakman Park when she began to have a seizure.

She was going in and out of consciousness, but Tyrone didn’t act like a typical 3-year-old. Instead he ran across the park, across 28th Street, and communicated with two complete strangers that his aunt needed help.

“He is just amazing because he knew his name, he knew his address, and he told us concisely what was wrong and where to go,” said Paula Thomas…

Read more: ABC

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