George Zimmerman Lawyer’s Seeking Trayvon’s School Records

In an unsettling development, the legal team for George Zimmerman is in pursuit of Trayvon Martin’s school disciplinary records as part of their defense of Zimmerman in his second-degree murder trial for killing Martin.

It appears to be a classic case of blaming the victim for the crime.

As the details of the case have come forward, it’s unclear what bearing Martin’s school records would have on the actions taken by Zimmerman on the night of Martin’s death.

But Zimmerman’s attorney said today that he has sent subpoenas to Martin’s school, requesting disciplinary notice, suspensions and tardiness records, among other things. Martin was serving a school suspension when he was shot by Zimmerman on Feb. 26. He had been suspended by Miami-Dade County schools because traces of marijuana were found in a plastic bag in his backpack.

Benjamin Crump, Martin family attorney, has said Martin’s use of marijuana should have no bearing on the resolution of his shooting death.

It’s likely that the Zimmerman team will try to portray Martin as a dangerous, undisciplined, problematic teen who could have posed some sort of threat to Zimmerman when he opened fire and shot Martin in the chest.


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