African-Americans are among the most brand-loyal consumer segments in the country, especially when compared to Caucasian consumers, according to the findings of NewMediaMetrics’s first 360 cross-platform analysis of the two consumer segments.
NewMediaMetrics, a strategic marketing optimization company, quantified the Emotional Attachment to brands and media and found that African-Americans were more attached to most brands than Caucasians.
This is critically important for marketers looking to increase their ROI from both marketing and media investments because:
– Emotional Attachment (EA) can boost revenue (those highly attached to a brand contribute 43.7 percent more revenue to a brand)
– EA affects levels of media engagement (40 percent more viewing and intensity of viewing)
– EA affects ad-message receptivity (those highly attached to a brand are 2.5 times more likely to pay attention to an ad from that brand)
– EA sparks positive social chatter (highly attached consumers are 43 percent more likely to talk about products and services to friends and family via social channels)
– EA finds and quantifies media properties with “buying pockets” (consumers who are receptive to ads and engaged makes them three times more likely to buy the brands)
The data show that African-Americans are significantly more attached than Caucasians to the following consumer brands and services: Lexus, General Motors, Google, Fidelity, Slim Fast, UPS, Tide, Pampers, Jell-O, Doritos, Dawn, Oreos, Ragu, Campbell Soups, Yoplait, Dentyne, Charmin, Bounty, Betty Crocker, Walmart, the Gap, Lowe’s, Macy’s and Levi’s.
Overall, both consumer segments, aged 18-54, were surveyed about 350 brands, and 73 percent of the brands studied garnered higher attachment among African-Americans compared to Caucasians.
“Clearly, the African-American consumer is more passionate about brands than the Caucasian consumer,” said Gary Reisman, co-founder of NewMediaMetrics. “We also see stronger attachment to media properties, so if marketers cross reference the brand data to the media data, they’ll make more effective use of their media spends in reaching both consumer segments.”
Read more: Target Market News