How to Start a Running Program for Fitness Beginners

Starting a running program can seem daunting—this is especially true if you’re really out of shape or haven’t done much exercise in the late years. Luckily, research shows that you can increase your stamina and cardiovascular power with little as two workouts per week.

According to Danish researchers, sedentary men boosted their cardiovascular power by 11 percent after working out for two or three times a week for 12 weeks. That’s not a lot of time out of your busy schedule.


Therefore, here are 4 beginners guidelines  to get you up and running without risking injury or burnout.

Walk First…

If you’re really out of shape, start with 20-30 minute walk three times a week for three or four consecutive weeks. Walking is a low impact exercise that can help you burn off fat , boost metabolism levels,  get your body geared for running by strengthening  running specific muscles and tendons, and most importantly: get you started on the fitness path. Taking action is what matters most.

…Then Run

After a couple of weeks of walking, your body should be ready to take on more challenge. Therefore, make sure to add run segment to your training program. You can do this by following a walk-run-walk pattern. For example, alternate between one minute of easy running with one minute of walking for recovery.

The walk-run-walk combo helps you gradually build stamina, lowers blood pressure, and boosts your lung capacity; all this without risking injury or burnout. In addition, make sure to start each workout with a decent warm-up of a five-minute fast walk to get your body and muscle ready for the exercise. Resume the session with a 5-minute slow walk to cool-down.

Add Time

As the training progresses forward, you’re going to get fitter and stronger. As a result, make sure to increase the length of your running…

Read more: Trying Fitness


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