Paris Jackson Twitter Rants Should Not Be Demonized Says Former Nanny

Paris Jackson is a child and her Twitter rants should not offend anyone, matter of fact, everyone should have sympathy for the 14-year old only daughter of the late pop icon Michael Jackson.

Grace Rwaramba, a nanny for the Jackson children since 1997 asked for understanding where Paris is concerned.

“Everyone knows that Michael went to great lengths to protect his children from the public eye,” she began.

“While the use of veils and masks was unconventional, it only highlights how important this issue was to him. He understood, probably better than anyone, that growing up as a public figure, especially in the entertainment industry can be disaster…The recent drama surrounding Michael’s mother, Katherine, the ongoing custody issues and now the public dispute between Paris and Janet is exactly what Michael wanted to protect his children from. These matters have been further complicated by Gladys Knight and others recent and well intentioned comments about Paris. I have great respect and admiration for Mrs. Knight. And while I agree with the spirit of her comments, attacking Paris in public is not the answer.”

Grace continued,

“Give her a chance to make and learn from her mistakes without demonizing her. She is a spirited, very expressive and dramatic young girl. The traits that made her the apple of her father’s eye are the same traits that she must learn to control as she matures into adulthood. Let’s be careful not to dim her spirit. It breaks my heart to think that Paris and her brothers could become the subject of endless criticism for simply being kids. Michael loved his children very much. He gave them tools that they will need to become good and decent individuals. I am confident that in time, Paris and her brothers will learn that their family loves and wants what’s best for them. Until then, please take her tweets with a grain of salt. No child should have 700,000 followers on Twitter or any other social media platform.”

We couldn’t agree more on her last statement. Meanwhile, tabloid site TMZ has confirmed that Janet DID NOT slap Paris. “Although we believed the story to be true when we published it, we have now determined it was not correct.”

As of this morning Paris remains her “spirited” self on Twitter insisting she won’t be silenced directing a message to Insider Edition,

“so uhmm inside edition ? haha “twitter jail” is when you can only tweet and not look at anything else lmfao it doesn’t mean i’m “silenced”


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