Nicki Minaj Heckled By Lady Gaga Fans

Nicki Minaj was verbally attacked by Lady Gaga fans at the airport while reports are surfacing the rapper threw a tantrum of her own over conditions at a music festival in Scotland.

First, two of Lady Gaga’s most loyal fans took on the task of berating Nicki for allegedly stealing the pop star’s style. In the 12 second video uploaded to Youtube on July 18th the two men are seen following the rap star through the airport and ranting on about her copying and stealing Gaga’s oh so unique style. Watch the video below.

Meanwhile the “Superbass” rapper is defending herself against a rumor that she was a pre-Madonna at a festival in Scotland where the conditions outside her dressing was “muddy”. Reportedly the 28-year old entertainer requested the grass be cut before she performed. Minaj dismissed the rumor telling Australia’s Herald Sun,

“It’s the most absurd thing I’ve heard printed about me in a very long time. Who gives two f– about someone’s grass? I was wearing my wellies and it was all mud…

“I would never tell anyone to cut grass. I don’t give two s– about anyone’s grass. I went to the festival happy to have an outdoorsy (sic) type experience. Why would I go somewhere and ask somebody to cut grass? It’s sad because I can’t defend myself against these lies.”

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