Injured Derrick Rose: ‘I Know I’m Going To Be All Right’

Ever since Derrick Rose went down at a torn ACL in Game 1 of the first round of the playoffs he has been ghost. The Chicago Bulls superstar point guard has hardly has been seen and has uttered nary a word after going into surgery — until now.

On a YouTube video, Rose offered thanks to his many well-wishers and gave an indication that his rehabilitation is progressing on schedule.

The 2010 league MVP said, “Hopefully you’ll see me back out there. My biggest concern is don’t worry about me. I know I’m going to be all right. I know that I’m healthy, I’m positive, I believe in God, so I should be back there on the court soon, and I hope that you support not only me but the Bulls.”

Rose tore his ACL in Game 1 of the Bulls’ first-round playoff series against the Philadelphia 76ersn April 28. He had surgery on May 12, and has kept a low profile since.

Doctors expect an eight-to-12 months recovery from the surgery. Rose’s brother and manager Reggie Rose told ESPNChicago last week that Rose is walking without a brace, and his rehab is ahead of schedule.

Dr. Brian Cole, who performed the surgery on Rose, also said last month that Rose was ahead of schedule.

Kentucky coach John Calipari, who coached Rose when they both were at Memphis, said Rose’s attitude was healthy when they spoke earlier this summer.

Calipari said, “He looked at the whole thing in a bigger picture and basically said, ‘You know this may have been a message to me to slow down and to really look at what’s going on around me and to step back,’ ” Calipari said. “He said, ‘I think God was telling me things are coming at you too fast.’ And he said, ‘Coach I’m gonna come back (and) wait until you see my body when I come back.’ And he said, ‘I’m going to be better than I was before I got hurt.’ And if you know him, you understand when he gets on a mission that way, he’s going.”

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