Rupert Murdoch Slams Romney on Twitter

Global media mogul Rupert Murdoch is not disguising his disgust with Republican challenger Mitt Romney, attacking Romney on Twitter for his weak response to President Obama’s immigration announcement and his inadequate team of aides.

With U.S. media properties that include Fox News, the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post, Murdoch is a man whose opinion can carry an enormous amount of weight, particularly when he is willing to use his companies to act on it. The 81-year-old Australian-born media baron—whose News Corporation owns more than 800 companies in over 50 countries—has grown fond of social media, frequently using Twitter to announce feelings that the public was never before privy to.

This was the billionaire’s tweet:

“Met Romney last week. Tough O Chicago pros will be hard to beat unless he drops old friends from team and hires some real pros. Doubtful.”

Regular readers of the Journal and the Post, and of course viewers of Fox News, will recognize the anti-Obama slant of their news coverage, clearly reflecting Murdoch’s feelings about the president. But it’s probably unlikely that these outlets will begin to go after Romney because Murdoch thinks Romney’s team of advisors is weak.



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