Bill Maher Suggests George Zimmerman as Romney Running Mate

Comedian Bill Maher has always had a unique gift for saying controversial yet perceptive things that no one else would ever say. He was up to it again on his show when he suggested that Mitt Romney should pick George Zimmerman as his running mate.

“Who better than George Zimmerman to personify your campaign theme of ‘I think the black guy’s up to no good’?” Maher explained.

Of course, George Zimmerman is the man accused of murdering unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin because he looked “suspicious.” Maher also went through other running mate choices for Romney.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio? Maher said he has “intelligence, experience, and honesty issues.”

New Jersey Governer Chris Christie? Maher called him a “beanbag chair” and admitted he can’t look at Christie “without thinking number two.”

Congressman Paul Ryan? Maher said he was “a heartless smirking bastard” who is only adored by other “heartless smirking bastards.” According to Maher, Romney’s already got that voting bloc locked up.

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