Tea Party Hires Black Woman To Attract More Black Members

Remember the Tea Party? Well, the party hasn’t forgotten about you. To counteract the “misleading voices of the liberal black establishment,” the Tea Party has hired a prominent black conservative as a director of outreach to attract more minorities and get out the word about the party’s diversity.

Deneen Borelli, author of the book, Backslash: How Obama and the Left are Driving Americans to the Government Plantation, and a frequent contributor on Fox News, has been hired by FreedomWorks, a Tea Party-connected political group.

“In her new role, Deneen will speak at events promoting FreedomWorks’ pro-liberty agenda, participate in recruiting grassroots activists — including minorities — and aggressively challenge the misleading voices of the liberal black establishment,” FreedomWorks said in a news release.

The Tea Party feels the need to attack the perception that it is a party full of anti-Obama racists.

“If you actually take the time to get to know the people in the Tea Party movement, you see an amazing amount of diversity — not just different skin colors but people literally from all walks of life that have united around the idea that the government is too big and is spending too much money it doesn’t have,” said the group’s president, Matt Kibbe.

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