Kobe Bryant’s Jersey No. 1 Seller Around World

Around the world, Kobe Bryant’s No. 24 Los Angeles Lakers jersey is the NBA’s best-seller, according to the league, which released the figures for the first time.

The 16-time All-Star was first in overall international sales, and also led the way in three regional subcategories including China, Europe, and Latin America. This marks the sixth straight year Bryant has led jersey sales in China.

The top-selling jersey in the United States for this season belonged to the Chicago Bulls’ Derrick Rose.

The NBA bases its list on sales data from adidas locations outside the United States.

Rounding out the top five sellers internationally were Rose, Miami’s LeBron James, Boston’s Kevin Garnett and Orlando’s Dwight Howard.

Bryant’s teammate Pau Gasol, a native of Spain, had the top-selling jersey among non-American players at 11th. His countryman, point guard Ricky Rubio, finished 15th.

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