Michelle Obama Celebrates Black Fathers on Pinterest

No, we didn’t talk to the First Lady about our special Father’s Day project we are running all this week at Atlanta Black Star, but we suppose great minds think alike. Michelle Obama is using Pinterest to give Americans a peek into her life at the White House and the two special black fathers she reveres: her father Fraser Robinson and the president of the United States, Barack Obama.

She calls the section with the fatherhood pictures “Father’s Day” and under a picture of Barack with their girls, she asks users to “Sign the Father’s Day card for Barack.” Michelle wrote captions under each of the seven pictures, including one under a picture of Barack on vacation with the girls skipping rocks in a pond that reads, “The list of life skills passed along includes many things, even skipping rocks.” She signs it, simply, “mo.”

Under a picture of Barack cheering at one of the girls’ basketball games, Michelle wrote, “Barack knows his basketball – and he makes a great coach for our daughters.”

Another picture shows Michelle kissing Barack while he sits behind a desk and holds the girls, with the caption, “We are dad’s biggest fans, each and every day.”

Check out Michelle’s page here.


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