Phaedra Parks' Mother Launches Separate Lawsuit At Vibe Holding

Real Housewives of Atlanta star Phaedra Parks has already filed a $30 million lawsuit against Vibe Holdings now her mother Regina Bell has followed with her own. Why? According to both suits Vibe knowingly published a book “Lies of a Real Housewife: Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil” that spews only lies. The author Angela Stanton alleges that Ms. Bell concocted potions to help women abort their unborn child and Phaedra has a criminal past.

According to TMZ Bell claims, “she has been a respected preacher in her community for 33 years, and there’s no way in hell she ever created any potions, or offered to help abort unborn children.”

It remains unclear why neither Phaedra or her mother named the Angela Stanton in their respective suits.

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