Terrell Owens Cut By Arena League Team

Might not see Terrell Owens in a football uniform again.

If Terrell Owens‘ career had not hit rock bottom by playing in the Indoor  Football League, it did Tuesday when he was cut from the Allen Wranglers of the Indoor Football League.

Worse, the team was chasing a playoff spot and still got rid of the one-time Pro Bowl receiver.

But why?

Apparently, Owens refused to play in upcoming road games against the Nebraska Danger and Everett (Washington) Raptors. According to a statement from the Wranglers, T.O. got the boot because of typical Terrell Owens nonsense.

“The proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back for Mr. Owens was his no-show to a scheduled appearance at a local children’s hospital with other Wrangler players and coaches,” the statement read.  It is not the desire of the Allen Wranglers’ organization to disappoint fans by having our most notable player miss a scheduled appearance.”

Reportedly, as part of being cut, Owens loses his ownership stake in the team — and almost assuredly any chance of a return to the NFL.


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