Basketball Wives And Reasons Why Shaunie O'Neal Should Leave

UPDATE – Basketball Wives – Basketball Wives remains a trending topic as questions arise over Tami Roman’s interview on Wendy Williams – was she sincere, is it too late? To Jennifer Williams – is she returning? Yes, despite being bullied and ostracized by Evelyn Lozada. The loudest noise however surrounds Shaunie O’Neal, the executive producer of the drama-filled show. VH1 announced earlier this week there will be a season 5 but is it time for Shaunie to throw in the towel? With a resounding yes – here are our reasons,

Her reputation:
Did you know Shaunie was once an entertainment analyst for Insider and Access Hollywood? It’s likely you refer to her as the ‘pimp of Basketball Wives’

Her reputation – yes it’s worth repeating:
According to Kirsten of Clutch magazine, Shaunie has “consistently throws a rock and hides her hands, while her henchmen do the dirty work. She has never once tried to stop a fight, never once spoken up in earnest for one of the women being bullied. Note that Meeka Claxton was done worse than a dirty dog last season and as long as the ratings kept rolling in, we didn’t hear a peep from Shaunie. She has always instigated from the sidelines while the checks roll in – and people have noticed.”

Her future business ventures:
Shaunie said this best while sitting with her pastor,

“I’m going into business meetings and I’m wondering in the back of my mind what they think of me,” she said. “I wonder if she thinks that I’m like that…that person. The whole time I was thinking I wonder if she thinks I’m a ghetto hot mess.”

If she’s ever watched your show the answer is Yes.

Lastly, her so-called friendships:
Shaunie tried to explain why she appears as Senator Palpatine when she’s really like Yoda,

“People are like ‘Why do you let people say this and that?’ They are grown women but at the same time I will say, ‘You really need to bring that down like 17 notches like I don’t see why you need to come in at 50! You need to come in at like 13. Lets talk it out, let’s use our words’ , but it never ever works! Never works!”

As an executive producer of a program Shaunie has the power – she refuses to you use it. With friends like this…well you know the rest.

On another note, Laura Govan of Basketball Wives LA says we’re all taking this entirely too seriously – it’s just entertainment people!

“It is entertainment; take it for what it is. Go into the urban communities to see what’s going on instead of trying to criticize us – it is what it is. For me it is entertainment. Don’t take it so seriously and literally.”

Clearly Laura doesn’t understand the power of media….sad.

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