Patricia Houston Clarifies Ray-J Billboard Award Incident

Patricia Houston did not attempt to have Ray-J removed from the Billboard Music Awards on Sunday night. It was previously reported that Ray-J was seated next to the late singer Whitney Houston’s sister-in-law when she requested security to remove him – he refused. Allegedly Pat decided to squash the incident as not to cause a scene.

It turned out that’s not what happened – at least according to Pat. Here’s how she put it to Hip Hollywood,

Pat explained that she had possession of six tickets for seats near the front of the stage at the Billboard Music Awards Show. Sitting in those seats were, Bobbi Kristina, her boyfriend Nick, a friend and two seat-fillers. At some point, Ray J moved from his original location to an open seat near Bobbi Kristina.

The production staff saw Ray J move and asked him to please return to his original seat. We’re told Ray J refused. Hotel staff/security witnessed Ray J’s refusal and stepped-in to ask him to return to his seat. Ray J again reportedly refused. After multiple attempts to get Ray J to return to his seat with no success, the Las Vegas Police were called by production staff to remove Ray J. Upon their arrival, Pat Houston was made aware of the situation, and told her security to inform the Police to “Stand-down” and that as the ticket holder, she would allow Ray J to remain in the seat.

Read the rest of this story on Popular Critic

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