Russell Brand Arrested For Stealing…..

Russell Brand was arrested in New Orleans Thursday for allegedly stealing from someone. The actor/comedian was accused of grabbing an iPhone from a cameraman and throwing it through a window.

Brand was booked after turning himself into the cops following a police issued arrest warrant. The authorities charged the actor with “simple criminal damage” in the amount of $700.

According to paparazzi photographer Timothy Jackson, he had been taking pictures of the 36-year-old actor with his iPhone when Brand allegedly “flipped out” and snatched the device before throwing it through a lawyer’s office building. The comedian later joked about the incident saying, “Since Steve Jobs died I cannot bear to see anyone use an iPhone irreverently, what I did was a tribute to his memory.”

Back in 2010, the actor was arrested and charged with battery after he allegedly attacked a photographer at the Los Angeles International Airport. He plead to a lessor charge after his lawyer struck a deal with the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office.

Brand has been released on bail.

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