J Lo Calls Casper Smart 'Adorable'

UPDATE-Casper Smart gains more attention as his relationship with Jennifer Lopez prolongs, encouraging outsiders to weigh in on the age-challenged couple. Latest? Benny Medina, J Lo’s manager, is telling all their business from why they work to Lopez’s notorious revolving door of back-to-back relationships.

“She’s not oblivious to her own reality right now, as in, “Damn, I’m 42 with a 24-year-old. Why?” Medina told Vogue.

“We talked about it yesterday. She was just like, “It’s not even the age, Benny. “It’s actually that I just came out of a relationship where I felt like I was kind of not getting what I needed. And I’m open! So somebody who steps in right now and is actually touching me in a way it’s very fertile ground!”‘

Doesn’t seem likely that the American Idol judge would give her blessings on such a private matter given her masked response when asked about Casper during her recent cover interview for Vogue’s Shape Issue,

“He’s adorable. But you already see that… He really is. He’s a good egg. I don’t want to talk about it too much. It’s my private thing.”

Nonetheless, J.Lo’s longtime manager and godfather to her twins, Emme and Max, continued;

“The thing that I always sort of wished is that she would give herself time to just naturally meet someone, instead of having obsessive guys pursue her. The ease with which that obsession becomes a relationship I think sometimes works against her ability to have a real meaningful relationship.”

“And she never half does anything. When she commits to anything in her work, her life, or her relationships, she is in it.”

Of course Medina was referencing her well-publicized, ill-attempt relationships with Diddy, Ben Affleck, and her three marriages to Ojani Noa, Chris Judd, and currently Marc Anthony.

The outcome to his remarks will be interesting!

Rumors of a quickie marriage also surfaced when designer Roberto Cavalli tweeted JLo about a dress but was unsure about the color. “Today , Jenifer Lopez. Call me…… She ask me. To create a special dress. For her next weding. ! Wich color … Do you advise me. ?” The Italian designer quickly stated his Twitter account was hacked and the message was completely false.

To J Lo’s credit it’s hard to imagine her marrying a guy she calls ‘adorable’. Just saying…but time will tell.

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