Jennifer Aniston Dabbles In Botox; Lauren Scruggs Loses Left Eye

After being named Men’s Magazines sexiest woman alive you would think Jennifer Aniston would have no trouble admitting she’s flawless. But the 42 year old actress and producer recently admitted that she dabbles a bit in Botox as it’s often necessary to zap away present signs of aging.

In an interview with InStyle Magazine, Aniston claimed that flaws in her skin were slowly popping out.

“I’ve started getting those little sun spots.   Things are beginning to pop out.” “Even the texture of my skin is changing,” she admits from her new regime. “So I’ve recently started zapping the spots and getting spray tans whenever I can. And I’ve graduated to using SPF 60 sun block when I’m on the beach,” added Aniston.

Jennifer also admitted that although she dabbled a bit with Botox injections, she in no way underwent serious cosmetic enhancements as it can often be an addictive practice.

“People think that I do a lot of injections, but I don’t.   I’m not saying that I haven’t tried it … but I see how it’s a slippery slope.” Adding; “All that cosmetic stuff looks ridiculous on me.”

Jennifer Aniston may be a style icon now, but she confessed it wasn’t always easy being an awkward teenager and having a model mother.

“I was a dumpy teenager.   My mom was a model and was all about looks, so I rebelled by going goth. It took me years of peeling back the onion to finally stop using makeup as a mask and feel comfortable in my skin.”

Now Aniston says she’s more focused on being healthy and harboring a more care free attitude when it comes to her appearance.

“I quit smoking a few months ago and I put on a couple of pounds.   Normally I’d be like, ‘Oh my god, I gained weight! Everyone is going to think I’m pregnant!’ Not anymore. Now I just don’t care.”

We’re sure her beau Justin Theroux has no complaints!

Model And Blogger Lauren Scruggs Loses Her Left Eye In Horrific Accident

Lauren Scruggs in continuing her journey to recovery after her tragic accident on December 3rd. Scruggs, who previously worked as stylist on the set of Gossip Girls and runs her own fashion blog, accidentally walked into a plane’s moving propeller at Aero County Airport, 30 miles outside of Dallas. Lauren suffered a fractured skull, brain injury, and damage to her left hand and to the left side of her face. Soon after going into surgery following the accident, doctors had to amputate Lauren’s left hand. Her mother Cheryl has been keeping the concerned public with updates via   the family blog,

“As I sat with my sweet Lo in the middle of the night last night, we talked a little. She was so sweet, telling me how much she loved me and wanting me to hold her hand. Her pain subsided for a little while, but then returned, excruciating.”

Cherly continued, “Last week, when she would hit the pain thresholds, we prayed out loud and just said ‘Jesus … Jesus … Jesus.’”

Lauren did make some inroads when she reportedly walked for the first time last week. But the journey remains arduous with ups and downs as Cheryl sadly revealed that Lauren’s left eye was removed.

“Along with the pain she was already experiencing with her arm and shoulder injuries, the removal of the left (eye) is also very painful.’’ Lauren will reportedly get a prosthesis.

The family remains hopeful, “We have been praying for a miracle,” said Cheryl. Indeed.

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