Paris Jackson Takes The Place Of Lindsay Lohan On 'Ellen'

Paris Jackson, the eldest child of the late King of Pop Michael Jackson, scored her first solo interview with Ellen DeGeneres thanks to Lindsay Lohan missing her flight out of Hawaii and thereby missing her Tuesday taping. So instead of discussing a Playboy spread, Ellen had a chance to sit with a well spoken 13-year old Paris Jackson.

Paris shared her father’s advice, her desires to act and exactly what she thought about those masks she wore as a younger child. Paris stated she was inspired to act when after watching her father’s performance in Moonwalker.

“When I was really little my dad was in the movie Moonwalker and I knew he could sing really well but I didn’t know he could act. I saw that and I said, ‘Wow, I want to be just like him.'”

Paris who landed a feature role in upcoming fantasy film “Lundon’s Bridge and The Three Keys,” explained how Micheal further fostered her interest by engaging her in improvisation.

“We would do improv together. He would give us little scenarios. He would (say), ‘OK, in this scene you’re going to cry’ and I’d cry on the spot.”

Paris even gave the audience some insight behind why she and her brothers wore masks when they were kids. She admitted that although she hated it initially, she later came to realize that their father was only trying to protect them

“Yeah, I’m like, ‘This is stupid; why am I wearing a mask?’ But I kind of realized the older I got, like, he only tried to protect us and he’d explain that to us, too.”

Paris summed up the interview by sharing some of Michael’s fatherly advice.

“He said, ‘If I die tomorrow always remember what I told you.’ I took his advice and I remembered everything he told me.”

Paris Jackson has grown to be more than just the curious figure we once noticed behind a mask.   She is poised, intelligent and ready to explore her own talents.   Congratulations Paris! Paris Jackson’s appearance on Ellen will air tomorrow.

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