Matt Barnes Reveals Gloria Govan's Affair Caused Breakup

Los Angeles Lakers star Matt Barnes finally breaks his silence in a shocking revelation that Basketball Wives LA star Gloria Govan‘s on going affair with his unnamed friend is what lead to their breakup.

Matt confirmed his claims by posting a tweet via his publicist Courtney Merfeld,

“The reason why I broke my silence a month ago was because of the on going “affair” she was having with a now former FRIEND of mine. Again, I wish Gloria nothing but the best, & I will continue to keep our beautiful children as my first priority… Thank you”

Matt continued by claiming Gloria’s main concern has always been her show explaining why she asked him to lie about their splitting this past May.

“In May Gloria & I decided to separate & in the best interest of her career, I foolishly agreed to portray that we were still together. For her upcoming season of her show on VH1. As recently as August we decided to revisit a joint statement of our separation, but Gloria asked to delay making our separation public for the interest of her show. It is ironic now how Gloria is trying to manipulate the professional relationship between Eva Longoria & myself as the sole reason for our separation, when she knows we split up in May.”

This news certainly cast Gloria in a different light, especially since she previously chastised Matt for his alleged promiscuity with Eva Longoria.

“I’m not sure if I think they’re rumors. I think at this point having been with Matt, I don’t really put anything past him. He hasn’t directly said, ‘I’m doing this. I’m doing that.’ I’ve heard from some sources that it could be a definite possibility.”

Things just got really messy..

Who do you believe in this back and fourth between Gloria Govan and Matt Barnes?

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