'Mirror Mirror' Trailer: Fairytale Rivals Do Not Mirror Each Other

The Mirror Mirror trailer offers the first extended look at what is to be the second recent adaptation to the popular Snow White fairytale.  Last week, we took a look at Snow White and the Huntsman, starring Kristen Stewart and Charlize Theron.  This modern Snow White adaptation movie comes off as a gritty, dark  and twisted adventure film.  Today, we see the other Snow White Movie, Mirror Mirror, starring Lily Collins and Julia Roberts, but has no resemblance to its rival. Instead it appears to aim to be a high style romantic comedy

The differences will definitely become clear after watching both trailers, but to quickly sum it all up: Mirror Mirror would be the movie you take your little children, nieces or nephews to, while Snow White and the Huntsman should be considered for date night.

Watch the Mirror Mirror trailer below and let us know what you think about this version.  Snow White and the Huntsman can be watched here.

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