Tom Cruise Does His Own Stunts-Scales World's Tallest Building(Video)

What is Tom Cruise doing?? His own stunts, that’s what!  Cruise has no problem scaling the tallest building in the world, in the name of actors doing their own stunts, for the new movie Impossible Ghost Protocol. As you will see in the video below Cruise runs up, down, across and jumps out the window of the record-setting Burj Khalifa in Dubai. It was a bit concerning to see Cruise running around doing his own stunts on the side of the building like a tree animal. It’s totally awesome though! The ability to do your own stunts separates the actors from the pretenders; Cruise has proven time and time again that he is the real deal. And the amazing thing is, he is well enough into his successful career that he really doesn’t have to go all out like this anymore but, he does it anyway.

In addition to the anticipation of getting to see Cruise’s stunts, audience members will get a featurette of the The Dark Knight Rises, as a result of a deal made by Warner Bros. and Paramount.

Impossible Ghost Protocol in theaters and in IMAX starting December 16th.

Remember check back tomorrow for the new Trailer.

In the meantime, check out the clip below.

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