Jessica Simpson Rejected By Big Magazines As Baby Bump Grows

Times are hard, and apparently celebrity baby photos aren’t selling like they use to, at least where Jessica Simpson’s pregnancy is concerned. The obviously pregnant fashion mogul was turned down by several, big name magazines for exclusive rights to her baby pictures.

Although reps from Jessica’s camp have attempted to keep the pregnancy secret by neither confirming or denying rumors; the cat (or baby) is clearly out of the bag as Simpson was recently spotted shopping in New York with a noticeable baby bump. Jessica appeared cool and collected wearing a military style jacket and belly hugging top while leaving Bergdorf Goodman department store this past Tuesday.

One reason her reps may be choosing to stay silent is that she is reportedly fishing the exclusive rights to her baby photos to the highest bidding tabloid magazine. Unfortunately for Simpson, no one is biting her more than $500,000 asking price as the NY Post reports she has already been turned down by several major carriers such as People, Us Weekly. OK Magazine did run a story last week with Jessica on the cover. What more does she need?

A source further confirmed these claims by stating;

“Simpson even attempted to sweeten the deal and the pot to $750,000 by guaranteeing pics once the child is born, but they still passed.”

One possible reason magazines are choosing to pass on the deal is because Simpson simply doesn’t have the star power required to snag a half a million dollars for her baby confirmation. A source even reported to Radar Online;

“The issue with Jessica Simpson maybe is that she simply hasn’t been ‘hot’ lately in terms of relevant, big celebrity occurrences.”

Ouch! Simpson and fiancé Eric Johnson, 32, have since put their wedding on hold to prepare for the arrival of their first child which only further flames rumors that Johnson is marrying Simpson primarily because she’s pregnant.

Wow, tough break for Jessica. Hopefully she can sell her photos soon before she gives birth and the photos are simply siphoned away by hungry paparazzi.

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