Mariah Carey Reveal Twins Roc And Roe On 20/20 With Barbara Walters

Update-Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon did the big reveal of their adorable twins Monroe and Moroccan or Roe and Roc on Barbara Walters 20/20 Friday night.

Barabara sat with the couple and Mariah discussed her struggles with getting pregnant, her use of IVF and progesterone. She gushed about her hubby Nick but sometimes he can be a pain because he’s a MAN, she exclaimed! Nick, ever the proud father, said his family gives him “completion”.

Here’s a snippet from Mariah below:

“I don’t think I understood the enormity and the magnitude of what it really does to your body,” Carey said. “Carrying two babies. Unless somebody’s been through it, it’s difficult to understand what I went through, because my pregnancy was very unique in terms of what happened to me.”

“I had serious back problems,” she said. “I was afraid I wasn’t going to be able to walk properly again. It was a huge strain.”

And the babies were delivered to applause, “I wanted them to hear the applause upon entering the world.”

Oh Mariah….In the interview Nick appeared adamant in steering their children away from the entertainment business. But you will see below that Mariah Carey is hoping she has a diva in the making! 🙂

Watch the video clip below:

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