Nicki Minaj Opens Up About Suicidal Thoughts In Cosmopolitan

Nicki Minaj, the super animated hip hop/pop star covers the November issue of Cosmopolitan. In the issue the Super Bass singer recalls thoughts of taking her own life and what she looks forward in her future – and it’s a stark wonderful difference.

“It was one dead-end after another. At one point, I was like, ‘What would happen if I just didn’t wake up?’ That’s how I felt — like maybe I should just take my life.”

What kept her motivated: “I would pray to God to make me famous, so I could buy my mother a huge house.”

Nicki is looking forward to a bright future. She added, “I’ll have hundreds of millions of dollars. I will have put out five albums and will have an Oscar and Grammys. And I will be getting married and, a couple of years after that, [I] will have a bun in the oven.”

Five albums? Rihanna is on her sixth album in seven years. This definitely means that Nicki plans on dabbling in a few things other than music – say – an Oscar nominated role. Good for her….

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