Pregnant Nia Long Is Expecting A Baby Boy

A heavily pregnant Nia Long was spotted at the Pre-Emmy Parenting Lounge at the Intercontinental Hotel in Los Angeles last weekend. Before this sighting, Nia Long visited Trinidad, the beautiful island of her mother’s birthplace. While there working on a project Nia spoke with the local paper,

She confirmed she’s having another boy and her expressed excitement over growing her family.

“I am a little excited, for a long time I thought Massai would be one child.   It’s like a surreal moment for me I can’t believe it’s happening, I am happy, I am excited.”

There maybe no sounds of wedding bells just yet but Nia truly hopes that her beau Ime Udoka is the one!

“I hope so, he better be. One never knows what will happen in the future. He’s my best friend, we have very unique ways of viewing life, we are very compatible and we are content and we are so excited about the baby.”

Nia Long and Ime are expecting their bundle of joy this fall!

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