New Trailer: The Amazing Spiderman

From the looks of it, it’s nothing that we haven’t seen before. In fact, they have even copied  some of the same shots from the original Spiderman movie. There is nothing amazing about rebooting a franchise within 10 years of the original. It comes off greedy and like Hollywood is just  looking for a  quick buck. It does appear a bit darker and real, which is going to appeal to a lot of our de-sensitized community. Andrew Garfield as Spiderman brings more mystery and darkness  to the role than Tobey Maguire. Something about the way Maguire played Peter Parker was painful to watch.  I have never read a spiderman comic where Peter Parker was a fumbling idiot all the time. It was as if they wanted audiences to care about Peter Parker through pity. Anyways, The Amazing Spiderman is being shot entirely  in 3D and Mary Jane (played by Emma Stone) is hot!  (I won’t even go there about who was hot – or not – in  the Original Spiderman!)

The Amazing Spiderman dips into your pockets July 3, 2012 worldwide.

Check out the latest trailer and tell me what you think.

[jwplayer config=”New Video Player” mediaid=”1880″]



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