Marc Anthony: Jennifer Is A Wonderful Woman, Mother And Friend

In the latest chapter of the Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony split, Marc finally breaks his silence during an interview with ABC contributor John Quinones.

After months of being repeatedly frustrated by rumors that their impending divorce was caused by infidelity; Marc had not problem clearing up the speculations in the following statement;

“It was a flight attendant, it was the pilot — I heard it was this guy sitting next to me in a rehab in Houston. I’ve heard it all.   People are trying to peg it on things because it was so shocking. It was like, it must have been something…It wasn’t something sensationalistic.”

Marc summed up his response by offering the following reasoning;

“The truth was simple. The marriage just stopped working. It was a realization on both our parts… It wasn’t shocking. These things happen.”

When asked if he wanted the divorce, Marc simply stated;

“It’s a decision that we made jointly. And that’s how I’ll answer that.”

Anthony and Lopez presently share custody of their three year old twins Max and Emme. When asked if he felt the divorce would affect them adversely, Anthony replied;

“I’m always going to be Daddy… And they’re used to me traveling and Jennifer traveling and, you know, we speak all the time, and try to maintain that presence”

Marc continued by expressing how their family connection would endure by stating;

“It’s not the end of that. It’s not. This is not a funeral. … This is just two people who came together and just realized … that it wasn’t sustainable the way it was, and that’s that.”

When asked if he still loved Lopez, Anthony said,

“I’ll always love Jennifer. Yes. I’ll always love Jennifer. She knows that. Jennifer’s a wonderful, wonderful woman, a wonderful mother, a wonderful friend, you know. We understand this to be a long story. This is not a short story.”

During the tail end of the interview, Anthony playfully avoided questions as to whether he was ready to date again. When asked when he might step back into that scene, he simply responded;

“That’s like asking a boxer in the twelfth round if he’s going to retire or not. … He’ll always say, ‘I’m done. I’m done.’ You know what I mean? And then two weeks later is when you ask him so give me two weeks,” he added, laughing.

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