Will And Jada's Son Twitter Account Suspended

Will’s eldest son and Jada’s stepson, Trey Smith, allegedly posted a few tweets refuting the rumor of Will and Jada‘s separation last week. The internet was set ablaze when In Touch weekly reported that Will and Jada were separating. Before the initial shock set in separate reports surfaced to deny the rumor. One source in particular was Will Smith’s eldest son Trey who took to his twitter account and posted a series of tweets denying the split.

Will and Jada getting a DIVORCE ..NOT TRUE AT ALL!!

Did #WillandJada split? No they did NOT split ! False information..it’s not true RETWEET!!!

In an effort to bring validation to their story, In Touch has uncovered that not only was Trey’s twitter account suspended but Willow and Jaden who are both on twitter were not friends with @theofficialtrey. In Touch says,
“Sounds suspicious to us!” HA! This coming from a tabloid magazine.

In either case, Will and Jada were spotted out shopping and smiling in their own effort to refute the claim.

Time will tell…

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