Chris Brown Rejects Recent Gay Slur Allegations

Chris Brown is back in the hot seat with new allegations regarding recent gay slurs streaming the web. As you may remember, Brown was publicly scolded and forced to apologize in June 2011 for calling the paparazzi “gay”.

A Star Magazine affiliate, RadarOnline originally reported that the incident occurred as follows;

“Brown Shouted anti-gay slurs during a recent pickup basketball game, stunning and repulsing onlookers.” He got really ticked off when things didn’t go his way during the game, saying, ‘That’s gay!’ and ‘You’re a f*gg*t a**!’ to the other players.”

Representatives from Brown’s legal team have since vehemently denied the rumors stating that not only was the picture used by Star taken from a previous game Chris played in New York but wasn’t anywhere near a basketball court at the time of the incident.

A representative from Chris Browns management issued the following statement;

The incident described did not occur, nor did the Star ever contact Chris’ representatives to request comment or confirmation. Chris was filming a video with AceHood on June 29 and never left the set. He spent the entire day with dozens of members of the production team filming the video for “Body To Body” at 1870 Sunset Plaza in West Hollywood.

“Chris Brown’s management is considering taking appropriate legal action against the paper.   We stand behind our client and want to set the record straight that this did not happen”.

One thing is clear; if allegations such as this continue to surface, Chris Brown may have to do one of two things; Learn how to get his emotions in check or hide in a cave. Because unfortunately for him and his career, Chris Brown is a moving target.

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